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So, I often times get inspired and I never really write immediately, but we are going to write today. I realized something, and I wanted to share it with whoever will listen. I don't know about y'all, but I think 2018 was one of the hardest years for me. It was very rough emotionally and just seemed like it was one thing after the other. Chaos! I was continuously stressing about something. Going into 2018, I believe set the tone for my year. I can honestly say that I attribute that to my thinking, by victimizing myself.

I lost faith in God, and it showed in my life. I stopped praying, just straight up confused and getting beat up by life. It says in the word of God that it is impossible to please God without faith. Even though you may not be operating in faith, it doesn't stop God from being GOOD. He's still going to make sure you're taken care of, you'll never really lack anything. I wholeheartedly believe that the way your life is going is connected to your thinking and what you let come out of your mouth.

I always knew that you could speak things into existence, but I would just let all this garbage come out of my mouth, probably because I was dwelling on the negative aspects of my life. It wasn't until after Thanksgiving that my faith was recharged. I was talking to one of my aunts, and her exact words were, " Either you're going to believe in God, or you're not." To me, this hit me so hard, because I believed all these lies about my life and I am wallowing in every one of those lies day by day. I had to remember that God is a God of miracles and he gave us dominion and power here on earth. I also had to recall God's favor on my life. We can't forget that God gave us specific tools to create the life we want, sprinkled with his favor.

I want a life set on FIRE!! Our life is not supposed to normal by any means. The people of God are not supposed to be at the bottom of the barrel. We are supposed to be the absolute best considering who we serve. That's the God we chose to serve. 2019 will be an amazing year, I can tell you that!

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Often times I find myself rushing!

Rushing to get to the end! Feeling anxious, or overthinking. So much so, that I forget to stop and enjoy myself.

In today's busy world, you have to fight through traffic, you have instafame, instant microwave success, and in my opinion, it's easy to become caught in the "I just want to get there." I noticed that I didn't take the time to enjoy every single part of my life, entirely! As believers, if you believe in Jesus Christ, your seat is secured in heaven, and that's promised to you. My point is one doesn't have to wait to get there to enjoy life.

I'm such a worrier!! I worry about every little thing. I worry about my career, feelings about being and becoming off track, failing, my relationship with God, being the women that God has called me to be and getting there! What I feel like I've been unable to realize is that every obstacle has a process and a purpose. Every intricate detail of your life serves for a higher purpose. While I sit and spin in thoughts of heartbreak, financial mishaps, things not going my way (spoiled girl), loss of a job, relationship, not being employed, friends walking away and stabbing you in the back. All of this happens, it's life!! I was spoiled enough to think that bad things only happen to me and no one else understands, but the reality of it is, is that God uses "Life" as your training ground.

Whatever you have gone through, been through, and or are currently going through you're only passing through. While you're passing through you might as well, enjoy life, take risks, and learn all you can from going through the situation. The bible states that by worrying it cannot make your situation any better, and also says, that he has already set your days out for you. I'm learning to enjoy every intricate detail, an aspect of my life. I try my hardest to forgive often, laugh, and breath, because it really will all be okay and work together for your good in the end!

Which brings me to another thought about enjoying life. If you have found healthy love, enjoy it, bathe in it, and feel it! Love is a gift, and not everyone is fortunate enough to recognize what it is and have it!

Love Y'all!

Mathew 6:25-27

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Psalm 139:16

Your eyes saw my unformed body;

all the days ordained for me were written in your book

before one of them came to be.

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"Girl, I say all kind of mean things to him when I get upset. I don't treat him like I should."

Looking at the relationships that I've been fortunate enough to hear about when I was single and dating, I believed that I had to do everything right! Dress cute, be nice, hold your peace (tounge) , don't yell, try not to upset him. ALL of this ran through my head. So much so that I could not even enjoy my dating process; I'm an overthinker. I never understood why mean women could keep a man. Then I thought well, spicy women are exciting and who wouldn't want a hot tamale on their plate. Always something new, fun, and exciting adding a bit of drama to their plate! What I further noticed was not all men enjoy DRAMA. So that ixnayed on the Hot Tamale. So, what was it?? What was it that made a man stay??

Lol, first of all, he's not a dog! You can not make him do anything! He's a human being with real feelings and emotions. What?? Nahhh!! Yes, he sure is. They have real feelings and emotions?? This was something I had to remind myself after dealing with so many heartbreaks. I felt like men were not human. LOL! Yes, they are; they just have very different ways of communicating. Men and women do not communicate the same as one another! *IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MEN AND WOMEN COMMUNICATE DIFFERENTLY PLEASE READ MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS. *

Have you ever seen a man with a girlfriend, wife, or lover who you felt didn't match their fly? ( Fly meaning swag, or presence) Yes, I have!!! Time and time again !!! Where I was like, Huh?? Don't get me wrong now, everyone is beautiful in their own right !! Don't judge me!! My point in saying this is, it has nothing to do with the hair, the skin, the nails, the face, nothing about the physical! Don't get me wrong men have to first be attracted to you, but looks are not the end all be all. Looks will not make a man stay ( and neither will sex :) ) Sex is the icing on the cake!

So, how come men stay?? It's simple ladies! You don't have to try!! You don't have to BE ANYTHING! BE YOURSELF! The right one will find you and love you for you !! Which leads me to an even more significant realization that is so simple, but I didn't know !! Men stay because they WANT to !!!! Period! Mike Drop !!! You don't have to put on any airs or fronts! You just have to be the queen that you are! You should find peace in the fact that you king will be able to handle and love ALL of you!

Love you ladies! Stay encouraged!

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